Zoysia Sod Delivery and Installation

Get a beautiful, green lawn that can handle foot traffic when you choose zoysia grass sod.

About Zoysia Sod

Zoysia is a warm season type of sod that flourishes in the warmer seasons, mostly in the summer. Our zoysia has a thick and course blade and looks beautiful on any lawn. Tennessee is about the start of where you will find zoysia, as most the grasses above Tennessee are cool season grasses. Therefore Tennessee is called a transition zone, which allows cool season and warm season grasses to be grown.

Why Choose Zoysia Sod?

Zoysia sod grass is a great landscaping option for residential and commercial properties in Tennessee. As a warm-season grass, it is well-suited to the climate of Tennessee. It can withstand hot, humid summers and does not need to be overseeded in the fall. This popular grass also offers a lush, dense carpet of grass that is as durable as it is attractive. Due to its deep root system, it requires less watering than other types of grass and is resistant to heat and drought. Zoysia fares well in the shade vs its other warm season comrades such as Bermuda. It is adaptive to a wide range of soils but grows best with well-drained soils.

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Types of Zoysia Grass

Innovation Zoysia a fine-bladed, dark green grass that is soft to the touch.
Geo Zoysia an easy to maintain, medium-bladed zoysia grass that is known for being very soft to the touch.
Zeon Zoysia is a fast-growing, fine-bladed zoysia grass that is translucent green in color with a soft leaf texture.

About Zoysia grass 

Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass that is known for its fine texture, soft feel, and ability to form a dense, weed-resistant lawn. It is also relatively low-maintenance, requiring less water and fertilizer than other types of grass.

Here are a few facts about Zoysia Grass:

  • Warm-season grass with improved cold tolerance. Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass, but it does have some cold tolerance. Some varieties can survive temperatures as low as 10°F.
  • Prefers the sun, and tolerates some light shade. Zoysia grass prefers full sun, but it can tolerate some light shade. The more shade it receives, the slower it will grow.
  • Suitable for southern and transition zones. Zoysia grass is a good choice for lawns in the southern and transition zones of the United States. These zones have warm summers and mild winters.
  • Tolerant of heat and drought. Zoysia grass is tolerant of heat and drought. It can go for long periods of time without water, but it will turn brown if it gets too dry.
  • Low water and maintenance requirements. Zoysia grass is a low-maintenance grass. It does not require a lot of water or fertilizer. It is also resistant to pests and diseases.

Caring for Zoysia Grass

Installing Zoysia Sod

The best time to install Zoysia sod is in the spring or fall, when the weather is cool and moist. Install your sod as soon as possible after it is delivered; the sod will start to dry out if it is not installed within a few hours of delivery. Your soil should be moist and loosened to a depth of at least 6 inches and free of weeds, debris, and rocks. Lay the sod so that the edges overlap by at least 2 inches, then roll the sod with a garden roller to help it settle into place. Water the sod thoroughly after it is installed. Not everyone is willing or able to lay sod on their own – that’s why companies like Sod Source also provide sod installation services. Call us at 615-628-7097 for a quote.

Zoysia Watering Tips

March – October: Water 2 x per day, 20 minutes each area, morning and evening for 2 weeks.

November – February: Sod is dormant. But if it’s still green, water 2x per day 12 hours apart for 15 minutes each area. If grass is still wet 12 hours after evening watering, wait until dry to water again.

Zoysia Mowing Tips

After installation, mow your sod for the first time when it is about 3 inches tall. For regular mowing, Zoysia grass benefits from being mowed at a height of 0.5-1 inch. We recommend mowing Zoysia grass once every 10-14 days. The stem and leaf blades of zoysia grass are stiff and tough, making it difficult to cut. A well-sharpened reel mower is the best for zoysia.

Sod vs. Seed:
Which Is Better?

When it comes to achieving a perfectly green, healthy lawn, two options come to mind: sod or seed. While both methods can give you a luscious lawn, there are many advantages to opting for sod over seed. The first benefit of sod is that it is much more convenient. With sod, you can have a lush lawn in a matter of hours versus weeks or even months with seed. Sod is also much easier to install than seed, with no need for any tilling or waiting for germination. Additionally, sod guarantees uniformity throughout your lawn, meaning no patchy areas or uneven growth. In contrast, seeding can result in a more inconsistent lawn, which may require additional seed and more time to maintain. Lastly, sod requires significantly less maintenance than seeded lawns, with none of the need for frequent watering and the constant threat of weeds and pests. This could really save you time and money in the long run. All in all, sod is a wise investment for those looking for a quick, effortless, and aesthetically pleasing way to transform their outdoor space.

Should I Install Sod Myself? 

Whether or not you should install your own sod depends on a few factors, including your budget, your time constraints, and your DIY skills.


The cost of sod installation will vary depending on the size of your lawn, the type of sod you choose, and the cost of labor in your area. If cost is the main concern for you, then you may be better off laying the sod on your own. Just make sure you do plenty of research before your sod is delivered.


Sod installation is a time-consuming project. It can take several hours to install a small lawn, and even longer for a large lawn. Time is of the essence when installing sod, since it may dry out if left above ground for too long. A professional sod installer will be able to lay your sod in much shorter time than you likely could yourself.

DIY Skills

Sod installation will go better for an amateur with some basic DIY skills. If you are not comfortable working with tools or following instructions, you may want to consider hiring a professional.

The greatest benefit to installing sod yourself is the cost savings. However, laying sod is a physically demanding job and requires a baseline level of DIY experience and knowledge. If you aren’t careful, you could make mistakes that damage your lawn and end up costing you more in the long run. Ultimately, the decision of whether to lay your own sod or hire a professional sod installation company is a matter of personal choice. 

Sod Installation Tips 

If you decide to install your own sod, here are some tips to help you get the job done right:

Plan ahead: Make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials before you start.

Prepare the soil: The soil should be loose and well-drained.

Lay the sod: Lay the sod in a staggered pattern and overlap the edges by at least 6 inches.

Water the sod: Water the sod regularly, especially during the first few weeks.

Fertilize the sod: Fertilize the sod according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

With a little planning and effort, you can install your own sod and have a beautiful lawn in no time. But if you decide that installing sod is not for you, the professionals at Sod Source have you covered!

Request a Free Estimate

Please note that Sod Source is based in Middle Tennessee. For clients outside of Middle TN, we only offer Sod Delivery and Installation at this time. Clients in these areas must please provide their own yard measurements.

Fill out the form below or call/text us at 615-628-7097